Sunday, August 16, 2015

Chapter 4 - 6 (DEP4-S1)

Hi DEP4-S1

Please download, read & do...
To be submitted this Friday in class...

Chapter 4-6 notes

Sunday, July 5, 2015

AE501 Note For Chapter 2 & Templates for Mini Research Project

Hellooo ladies & gentlemen~~~

So, here is the link for our previous lecture session:

Notes Chapter 2

Here are the link for :

Questionnaire Template

  • Please edit it to suit your research topic needs.
  • The template is already pre-set wit formatting, please DO NOT edit the formatting.
  • To update the table of content, put your cursor on the table and click 'update all', it will automatically update the page numbers in the table. 
Any queries please come and see me in the office or just Whatsapp me. 


Friday, June 26, 2015

DUB2012 Nilai Masyarakat

Hi DPE2-S2... Seperti yang saya janjikan, ini adalah tajuk yang perlu diselesaikan sebagai pengganti kuliah untuk Sabtu ini aka esok 27/6/15. Untuk tugasan kali ini, tidak perlu mencari artikel di internet, sebaliknya anda semua perlu memberi pendapat terhadap penyataan di bawah.

Penyataan: Agama dan adat, dua paradoks berbeza atau saling melengkapi?

1. Ini adalah tugasan individu.
2. Anda perlu memberi pendapat anda terhadap penyataan ini dan kemukakan hujah serta contoh yang releven.
3. Anda boleh memilih untuk menggunakan Ms Word atau tulis tangan (pastikan saya boleh baca).
4. Panjang penulisan anda haruslah dalam lingkungan 150-200 patah perkataan.
5. Tarikh hantar : Selasa 30/6/2015

Tq, happy weekend 😉😉

Thursday, June 25, 2015

AE501 Worksheet 1 of Chapter 1

Kindly download the instruction and complete this worksheet during the weekend. It is to be done individually & you can opt to use Ms Excel or draw the graphs/charts by hand. Due dates are as follows:

DEP4-S1  Monday 29/6/2015
DEP5-S3  Monday 29/6/2015
DEP5-S2  Tuesday 30/6/2015
DEP5-S1  Wednesday 1/7/2015


Ch1 Ws1

AE501 Notes for Chapter 1-Graphs and Charts

Helooooo ladies & gentlemen,

Attached here is the link for Chapter 1 notes. Kindly all download this note as you will need to refer to it when doing the write-up for your mini research. TQ.

Chapter 1 notes